2022 Dog Show Awards Contest Winners

2022 Contest Winner - Isabella Boone
Rescue bully Baloo and handler Isabella Boone pose with his custom ribbons after competing in the NADD National Showcase. Baloo was rescued in 2017 and continues to break breed stereotypes every day! Baloo competes in dock diving, Fast CAT, and Barn Hunt, and is currently beginning his agility training. Follow his dog sport adventures on Instagram at @bully.baloo! Isabella is going to use the prize money to help support their future foster efforts.
2022 Honorable Mention - Nicole Mills
Pictured is "Meadowgrove Jaeger Force" a young Belgian Groenendael after achieving his RATN title in barn hunt. Jaeger is a performance dog competing and training in multiple sports such as scent work, barn hunt, fastCAT, agility, rally, disc and herding. Jaeger is handled and trained by myself, a 16 year old dog enthusiast. I will use his prize money for training supplies so we can continue to advance and grow as a team!

2022 Honorable Mention - Sela Cooper
Photographed are Cliff with his DS title and Jersey with her DJ title from a NADD dock diving competition. Cliff is a 2-year-old Golden Retriever sport and service dog. He participates in agility, fast cat, coursing ability, rally, dock diving, obedience, and barn hunt handled by Olivia Graue. Jersey is a 6-year-old Vizsla who enjoys learning new things, hiking, and competing in a variety of sports handled by Sela Cooper. Visit them on social media. Cliff's Instagram is @countoncliff and Jersey's is @jerseydoesthings. We plan to split the money and put it towards future trial entries!
2022 Honorable Mention - Karen Peckham
Photographed is Pete (Fox River Legacy Oh For Pete’s Sake THDX RATCH CGC TKA) posing proudly with his Barn Hunt Crazy 8s Gold ribbon. Pete is a long-time Pet Partners therapy dog, primarily visiting hospitals and correctional facilities. While COVID restrictions put a halt to therapy visits, he recently earned two barn hunt titles – Crazy 8s Gold and Barn Hunt Champion -- the first Welsh Springer Spaniel to earn each. His prize money will go toward entry fees to future barn hunt trials and a big bag of liver treats.

2022 Honorable Mention - Pamela Padgett
Red was one of those GSDs whose ears did not go up! She loved using her nose and we discovered the Hide n Seek dog sport at Agility Qs For You in Louisville, KY. Unfortunately, she passed away needing just two qualifying runs to earn her RATCH in Barn Hunt. She is greatly missed, and the contest money will be used to continue setting up a memorial garden for her.
2022 Honorable Mention - Marisa Finan-Goode
Photographed is “MFG Little Spoon”, showing off his ribbons from his first year in dog sports. “Spoon” is a working service dog, and competes in barn hunt, rat games, FastCAT, rally, dock diving, disc, herding, and loves learning new tricks! We plan on using the prize money to help send us to herding camp this year!

2022 Honorable Mention - Christie Bahena
Shelter dogs to agility champions Hurricane Milly the Doberdor (left) and CMOB’s Monster Under the Bed (right) pose together with their well-earned ribbons from Jumpin’ K9s. Milly is an 8-year-old, goofy girl that is also trained in narcotics nosework. Monster is a 5-year-old trained service dog as well as a Trick Dog Champion. Outside of agility, these pups love to spend their time hiking, running on the beach and training at North County Canine. These two champs will be splitting their prize money with their brother Moto to buy some new toys, treats, and training gear!
2022 Honorable Mention - Linda Davis
Photographed is "BPIS GCH CH CAN CH UCH INT CH TDGCH Snapshots Don't Spill the Beans" - Taco earning his CAX23 title AKC's First and Only CAX23. Taco will donate his money to the Pink Patch Project (Breast Cancer Program) - with the Laurel Police Department.

2022 Honorable Mention - Lisa Marino
Photographed is GCHB CH Alpine Glo’s Signature Delight “Sorbetto”, 4 y.o. Samoyed after winning a weight pull competition in the category of “Most Weight Pulled by a Samoyed” hosted by W3PO and PVSC – World Wide Weight Pull Organization and the Potomac Valley Samoyed Club.
Sorbetto loves most dog sports, and competes in Conformation, Rally, Agility, CAT, FastCAT and Barn Hunt. He is also a Therapy Dog with Alliance of Therapy Dogs. Sorbetto will probably want his mom, Lisa, to use his prize money to pay for more entry fees for future events!
2022 Honorable Mention - Polly Dake-Jones
Photographed is UJJ CA NC URX UROC RACEN UCD UNJ NV RMC DGCH 'PR' HD’S ZENFUL ZIGMUND SPOT-ON, a two-and-a-half-year-old American Bulldog who participates in many venues. This picture was taken after he won a Total Dog Best in Show. “Ziggy” will be celebrating his picture in the Hodges Badge catalog with a few new toys and maybe even a couple of really good treats!

2022 Honorable Mention - Jamie Herbelein
Photographed is CedarWood's Meeka Wish on Me, "Meeka," an Australian Shepherd with her awards from the United States Australian Shepherd Association's National Specialty Agility Trial. Meeka earned a High in Trial award each day of the three days of the trial in three different agility classes (Standard, JWW, and FAST). When Meeka isn't playing agility, she helps her mom as an Assistant Trainer (demo dog) for a local Tricks class as she is also an AKC Trick Dog Elite Performer. Meeka is going to use the prize money for her favorite things in the world ... treats and new antlers.