2020 Dog Show Awards Contest Winners

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2020 Contest Winner - Linda Siekert

Photographed are “Ford” and his mom “Ph’nx” proudly displaying their beautiful Basenji National Specialty ribbons. “Ford” and “Ph’nx” represent generation three and four of sinbajé basenjis “All Around Hounds”. When not working, training, or playing, “Ford” and “Ph’nx” spend time lounging on the chairs and sofas of their choice, found throughout the family home. Linda plans to use their prize money on maintaining those creature comforts, while continuing to enter dog shows in hopes of winning even more beautiful ribbons. Photo was taken and submitted by breeder/owner/handler Linda Daves Siekert.

2020 Honorable Mention - Jean Locke

Photographed is “Simon”, The Fabulous Flying Circus Corgi, rescued Pembroke Welsh Corgi. 2X Agility Extraordinaire, 7X Agility High in Trial winner. “Simon” is now a DM Warrior and advocate for shelter animals.

Once a year “Simon” hosts an agility fundraiser where all his guests bring money and supplies for our local shelter. Now at month 22 with active DM, despite going to physical therapy twice a week to slow his deadly disease down, he insists we donate his prize money to our local animal shelter. He remembers his shelter days and always pays it forward.

“Simon” Sez: “It’s amazing what you can accomplish when someone believes in you.”

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2020 Honorable Mention - Sue Kendall

Photographed are “Neumann” (wire fox terrier) and “Vargas” (welsh terrier) after a weekend of barn hunt. “Neumann”, 11 and “Vargas” 5 love to hunt rats and pose with their ribbons. The barn hunt boys will use their prize money to enter more barn hunt trials. Photo was taken and submitted by their owner Sue Kendall of Chilton, WI.

2020 Honorable Mention - Jessica Cook

Photographed is Champion KHAOS’ “TURN UP THE BOOST” aka: “Boo”. “Boo” is a 1.5 year old, Olde English Bulldogge, shown after competing and winning best of breed in a ABKC conformation dog show event in Atlanta, Georgia. “Boo” will continue showing until she achieves her Grand Champion title. Photo was taken by Jessica of Khaos Kennels.

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2020 Honorable Mention - Annie Strobel

Photographed is “Zoe”, an 11 year old Catahoula Leopard Dog, after a weight pull trial held by the Minnesota Mixed Breed Club. “Zoe” will be retiring from weight pull and will use the prize money towards getting her Chessie sister, “Oakley”, her own fitted harness along with a retirement treat for herself. Photo was taken and submitted by Annie Strobel.

2020 Honorable Mention - Aubrey Lacrosse

Pictured is “Qwik LaCrosse”. “Qwik” is a 13 year old Curly-Coated Retriever posing with her Versatility Challenge Ribbon awarded at the CCRCA National Specialty in 2019. She successfully competed in Rally Obedience, Gun Dog and Veteran Sweepstakes and also the Working Certificate in the field to earn the Versatility Challenge Ribbon. “Qwik” always loved posing with her winnings. I am thankful to Hodges for creating so many beautiful rosettes to serve as memories of our time spent together.

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2020 Honorable Mention - Jennifer Gerdes

“Romeo” proudly displays his ICE International Canine Events Triple Crown Award in conformation. He loves modeling as much as he loves dog shows and is focusing on this as a new career now that he is retired. With his prize money, he is getting a new grooming table with a silhouette of himself, in his signature color of lime green. “Romeo” always enjoys being photographed by Tom Weigand, The Winning Image.

2020 Honorable Mention - Kate Renner

Pictured here is “Baker”, an 11 year old German Shepherd dog mix, with his CAX5 Ribbon from the Bayshore Companion Dog Club. “Baker” successfully completed 125 Qualifying scores in the AKC Coursing Ability Test. “Baker” loves to chase the plastic bag bunnies! Photo by Kate Renner.

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2020 Honorable Mention - Claire Ricci

Pictured is “Hits One More For the Road”, aka “Bleu”, handled by Marcia Rupnow. “Bleu” and Marcia won 2 legs toward their Junior Hunting Title at Anthracite Brittany Club’s Hunt Tests in September, 2019.

“Bleu” is a 13 year old Brittany who still loves to compete. He has many placements and titles in Obedience, Rally, Field Trials and Hunting Tests along with his CGC. “Bleu” will share his prize money with his friends, 2-legged and 4-legged alike.

Marcia is an avid hunter and fisherman and all around sportswoman. Her love for the outdoors and hunting led her and her husband to buy a bird dog. That first Brittany led to many more Brittanys, and into the world of field trials and hunt tests, she has qualified for and competed at The American Brittany Gun Dog National Championships for several years. She will continue to compete with “Bleu” as long as he is able.

2020 Honorable Mention - Pamela Padgett

Photographed is “Landry von Irving”, a German Shepherd Dog, after a barn hunt trial. “Landry” was Pamela's first competition GSD. She earned 33 titles in her lifetime and was even recognized in the German Shepherd Dog Club of America's Parade of Greats in 2015. Pamela will donate the prize money to Allie's Meadows Diabetic Alert Dogs. Photo taken by Pamela Padgett.

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2020 Honorable Mention - Colin Ladd

Photographed are Colin Ladd and "Fireball Whiskey of Windham", a Golden Retriever after winning a trick competition at a local fair. "Fireball" is a Registered Pet Partner Therapy Dog, donates blood at a Veterinary Specialist Hospital, and loves to do canine musical freestyle. Colin is going to use the prize money to buy "Fireball" a new toy and training supplies to continue their training.

2020 Honorable Mention - Tonya Murray

Photographed is “Benjamin Button's”, a 5 year old Australian Shepherd after his first AKC Scent Trial. “Benjamin” loves scent work and loves showing off his ribbons. “Benjamin” is also a therapy dog and has his own Facebook page (Benjamin Button’s the Australian Shepherd). He will use his prize money for more trials to show off his beautiful ribbons and rosettes.

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2020 Honorable Mention - Joyce Rivers

This is “Mr. Riggs”, a Sheltie Rescue adopted at age 1, showing off his Championship NADAC ribbon. He earned multiple championships in different venues. The prize money will be donated to the New England Sheltie Rescue who saved this incredibly special boy I was blessed to own. “Mr. Riggs” passed away in 2017 at the age of 17.

2020 Honorable Mention - Amanda Muller

Photographed are Judge Patricia Snyder, handler Amanda Muller and “Paisley”, a Golden Retriever, after winning their first Agility Championship. Amanda and “Paisley” (5 years old) began agility to build confidence and their relationship. Amanda will use the prize money towards chews and treats for “Paisley” and her sister “Paige” during their next agility trial.

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2020 Honorable Mention - Jane Johnson

“Velvet” (GCH DC Akuaba N Eldorado's Speedster BN, RN, FDC, MC, LCX NFP CA BCAT RATS CGC, TKN, ATT) a 10 year old Basenji earns top honors in the 12-18 inch class at an AKC Fast Cat trial in NJ. This multi talented girl has traveled the East coast competing in various AKC events and making new friends. “Velvet” will be donating her prize money to the Basenji Health Endowment Fund. Photo taken and submitted by Jane Johnson.

2020 Honorable Mention - Katherine Stivason

“Sabrina” (right) is a 6.5 year old Mastiff who is an AKC Bronze Grand Champion and a Therapy Dog. She enjoys visiting nursing homes. “Decker” (left) is her two year old son, who is following in her footsteps with shows and future therapy work. They are wearing the Mastiff Club of America National Specialty (MCOA) commemorative medals. The prize money will be donated to the Mastiff Rescue Foundation, Inc.

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2020 Honorable Mention - Tom Kotch

Photographed is "H&M Springlake Red Thunder". “Nikko” is a 5 year old ASCA registered Australian Shepherd taught and guided by Tom & Pattie Kotch. He's a member of the Tulsa Dog Training Club. He competes in AKC and UKC obedience, rally, and agility. He'll share his booty with his kennel mates “Rex” and “Bree”.