The History of
Hodges Badge Company
Building Anew
Every year we turn more than 12 million yards of satin ribbon into rosettes, flat ribbons, and neck ribbons for medals. 2010 rolled round and found us looking at ways to continue our long-term promise of providing top quality awards, one-stop-shopping all at affordable prices.
Hodges decided to add UV printers for product decorating. Within a year, we had 3. More engraving machines and printing presses were added. In 2011 we acquired Melrose Ribbon of Fresno, CA.
Turning gears towards our employees, in 2013, we looked for ways to better their work experience at Hodges. Knowing our employees are our best asset, Hodges invested in our people with training classes. Classes covered topics in lean manufacturing, supervisor skills, basic and advanced computer skills. In early 2014 we purchased Southeast Ribbon and Badge and then in December we purchased Garden Spot Ribbon. We also redesigned our Recognition catalog, featuring a full line of recognition products. Rick, realizing we were once again running out of space on the factory floor, began planning a larger factory in Washington, MO.
During 2015 we built an 87,000 sq. ft. building in Washington, MO. By the end of 2015 we sold and moved out of our two existing buildings. For the first time in many years all our manufacturing activities were efficiently contained under one roof. The factory was finished just in time, as website sales zoomed past $1 million. We redesigned our medal lines and increased the product offering to include lead crystal and glass.
In 2018 we consolidated our manufacturing operations in Washington Missouri. It was difficult to say goodbye to so many great employees in Rhode Island – some with more than 40 years of experience! The new building in Missouri has proven itself to be very efficient and we love our new home.

The ribbon cutting ceremony in the fall of 2015

In addition to the other facility and technology changes occurring during this time, our new, custom designed Hodges Order Process System (HOPS) was implemented. It provides capacity and tools to manage the growth of the business through the next decade.

The new facility on Enduro Drive in Washington, MO.

United States in the 2010's:
- Apple released the iPad tablet.
- Deepwater Horizon drilling platform exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 workers and spewing oil into the Gulf for months.
- Navy SEALs raid that killed al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.
- Re-election of President Barack Obama
- A pair of bombs killed three people and injured more than 260 others at the Boston Marathon.
- Saw the militant Islamic group ISIS proclaim the creation of a caliphate in captured territory both in Iraq and Syria.
- The Supreme Court granted same-sex couples the right to marry.
- Donald Trump defied the polls and predictions to win election as President of the United States.
- Allegations of sexual abuse against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein ignited the #MeToo movement.
- Mass shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida that killed 17 and led to the student March for Our Lives in Washington. The tragedies at the Aurora movie theater, Sandy Hook, the Pulse nightclub, the Las Vegas Strip, Texas Baptist Church, and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School all took place over the last 10 years.
- Going green movement gained in strength as warnings about climate change intensified.
- Smartphones have become an essential part of everyday life.
- Social media significantly changes the way that society communicates, gets their news, and becomes increasingly prominent factor in American political discourse.